Rambauds Monsieur Remy Avec CorrieDhu

Coup De Vent Dandy at Rambauds x Pipilette De Loubajac Avec Rambauds

Breeder M Weston

Hips 3:3

Remy to his friends

Remy is a 4 year old Pyrenean Sheep Dog - Berger des Pyrénées. Remy has come to me because his owner is ill. He has been a much loved pet and now he is going to try his paw at being a sheep dog. I will be eternally grateful to his owners for allowing me to look after Remy.

Remy's favourite activities include flirting with girls (particularly Mist), prancing around, admiring himself in mirrors, eating more than anyone else including Ghost who is about twice his size, car travel (none of us can wait til he learns to drive and goes by himself), opening doors, retrieving socks you didn't want, jumping on top of things to be "the tallest" and generally being superior to the rest of the world.

Remy moving sheep on my small holding.


Remy recall. Click on the middle to watch.

Remy is a character and a half. He is extremely clever and cheeky as well as being a real show off. Remy has an excellent temperament.


Remy's training diary

It didn't take long at all for Remy to become interested in sheep!

The beginnings of the idea he is to bring the sheep to me.

I will continue to encourage his interest for a while before I start to train him.

Remy Agility

I must say I would never (ever) do agility with my collies, but Remy is, well, Remy, and therefore different! Here is Donna training him in the basics of agility.

Remy is already very well behaved and obedient, so he knows to sit and wait.

Here Donna is getting him to run through the uprights.

Baby jumps on the lead.

Two jumps off the lead.

Remy was very pleased with himself. Nothing new there then!

Practicing weaving.

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